40 free security slogans at workplaces

Promoting security or socializing is an effective way to keep workers' attention safe on the site. Security promotion is a form of security communication.

One of the most commonly used methods is to use the security password. You can call people with security phrases, security quotes, or safety motors. Whatever it may be, the main goal is the same, namely, how to use effective words to remind workers about workplace safety.

When selecting safety slogans, the relevance of job hazards must be taken into account in positive words, specifically, easily understood, purely and accurately. We can create ideas to make security slogans in the workplace in the factory area, just looking around. See what conditions and behaviors are.

You can also create security passwords that are suitable for location around the site around every workplace. For example, security slogans love "security" first. To create your own security slogans, the following 40 free security slogans can help you get started.

  1. Security is not a coincidence
  2. Think before you do it.
  3. Security forever.
  4. Never forget security
  5. Safety is a zero-accident
  6. Do not keep an accident record.
  7. Do not forget about security. The family is at home.
  8. Security is our primary priority
  9. No security, no business.
  10. Stop accidents before they stop.
  11. Come safely, work safely, and come home safely.
  12. Safe working is a success
  13. Keep your first step safe
  14. Safe and comfortable working.
  15. Security is our concern.
  16. We're safe to win.
  17. Safe way is the only way.
  18. Okay! Use security from the start
  19. Be safe.
  20. Your work and security can not be separated
  21. Security is the biggest investment.
  22. Learn from the mistakes of others; No other people learn from you.
  23. Security is a duty.
  24. Safe working today and every day.
  25. You always talk about security before you start working.
  26. Safe.
  27. Think about safety before working.
  28. You can not go home unless you're safe.
  29. Ignoring the Warning Causes Many Mourners
  30. Do not forget that unprepared is not safe.
  31. Security is the first gate to success.
  32. Safe workers are plain workers.
  33. Security is our main concern.
  34. Always think about security before you work.
  35. Work without a security device error
  36. Follow procedures, keep in mind safety
  37. Tomorrow to save. Act safely today
  38. Security is a way.
  39. Yes! Security is our business.
  40. Safety is the best way to work.

If you do not find the right security slogans from your list above, go to the workplace and look around. You can give a lot of ideas. Just write down a paper when you remember. Write as many security slides as you can. Apply them to the right place at your workplace so that people can easily see them.

Source by Lukman Nulhakiem

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