How to Improve Product Video – Checklist to transfer your own videos or help the client

Do you want to create a product video, or if you already have a product video? How do you know if the video will be effective? Here are some questions you can use it as a list of products to evaluate the videos and will help improve the script before the creation of product videos. Look at the scenario, or video and answer these questions. Imagine that you know nothing about the product and have never seen the video (or read the script). You need to go back to the judge without the emotional video product or video (and it's not easy!). Answering questions helps to precisely the area of ​​the script or video to a weak (or missed), and help deal with all the key issues. Incidentally, the same applies to the presentation video of the service, but we will focus on product videos for simplicity's sake.

A. Introduction of the product

1. Is it clear from the introduction to our product? y / n

2. The value proposition stated in the introduction, and it's clear that our product is not it? y / n

3. If necessary, the target group addressed in the introduction (who can use this product, skill level required, etc.)? y / n

4. The introduction of the product is effective? Give yourself a score: 1-10

If the answer is no to any of these questions, go back and change the script or the video. If it is too late to change your video, make a note to yourself to make this issue the next video.

B. Basic functions and distinctive features

1. Does the video after going through the features / components / features of the initial introduction of the product? y / n

If you do not, go to Part C but be sure to go back and question all Part B when you improve your script, or video.

2. Does the video going over the parts of the product? Then the viewer knows what comes in the box? y / n

3. facing various functions on the product, or other options like size, color, etc? y / n

4. Does the video give sufficient information to compare this product based on similar products & # 39; s features? y / n

5. The video is an effective value proposition by developing and discussing the features of the product? Give yourself a score: 1-10

C using the product. Demonstration

1. Does the video how the product the user & # 39; s perspective? y / n

2. The specific steps outlined in the crowd he / she can follow to start using the product? y / n

3. Do you think it is clear to the viewer to understand that the product works? y / n

4. There are effective to provide explanations and demonstration on viewers to be able to use this product and feel good about knowing what to expect? Give yourself a score: 1-10

Finally, if you dealt with the major issues, you can move the entire video evaluation.

D, production quality, the overall impression

1. How would you rate the overall quality of video production, style , level of professionalism, creativity? Give yourself a score of 1-10

2. The overall assessment, taking into account the structural aspects of the video: how it was structured and organized in the video, there was a logical step, there are separate parts to different ideas communicated or that video of the jump from one idea to the next randomly? If you were given a task of dividing this video with distinct chapters for easy navigation, it would not be easy to do? Give yourself a score of 1-10

3. How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the video promoting the product? Give yourself a score of 1-10

4. What was the strength of the video?

5. What was your weaknesses?

Now that you have answered all the questions truthfully, try to write some recommendations. You can use them later when videos or improve existing ones.

Source by Laura Beken

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